Saturday Morning Wedding Projects

Saturday Morning Wedding Projects | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Wondering how I start my Saturday morning? Well today I started off water coloring on my back deck, as I chugged down a much-needed mug of hot chocolate. Last night did not go well. The cake for the wedding today turned out great, if a little different than what I had originally planned. I even finished up early enough to go see an old friend’s band play near our house in Reston. So why the bad night? Dreams Nightmares involving opening the refrigerator door to find the much slaved over wedding cake melting into a pool of pink goo. Even the gum paste flowers had totally melted down into unrecognizable sugar globs. The funny part of the dream was that Brenna was standing right next to me, eyeing up the “Cake Wreck,” and then glancing up at me with an expression that almost seemed to say, “Wow Mommy, I’m sorry; that kind of sucks, but at least it wasn’t my fault this time.” Oh and did I forget to mention that the wedding cake toppers had flown away? You’ll understand that sentence better when I post a picture of the final cake. (I’m holding off on discussions of what the cake design actually looks like so that the brides can surprise all of their friends and family.)

So after a long night of tossing and turning, and several trips downstairs to actually open the fridge door and reassure myself that the cake was still tucked safely inside and not melting, I am spending my morning preparing for tonight’s wedding next door. Here’s what is on my morning/afternoon agenda.

  1. Make the handcrafted card that I have been putting off for over two weeks. This is the reason I started off my morning with a set of watercolors.
  2. Wrap the gift, which I purchased at the last moment, and thankfully showed up in time. So happy I at least purchased all the wrapping supplies I needed a few weeks ago on a trip to The Container Store.
  3. A date with two skeletons and a bolt of tulle. That projects going to be a lot of fun, and I’ll make sure to take some pictures to show everyone.
  4. Speaking of pictures, I still need to photograph the cake, and hopefully not fall and demolish it in the process. I’ve already decided I’m going to lock Brenna away during the process to eliminate any disasters on her part.
  5. Clean the guest room for guests that will be spending the night with us after the festivities.
  6. A quick trip to the market to pick up some supplies for tomorrow’s breakfast. I’m thinking our overnight guests will make for the perfect opportunity to make Chris’ Mommy’s Crème Brûlée French Toast.
  7. Decide what I’m going to actually wear tonight. Here, here, and here are just a couple of my options.
  8. Nails; oh please let me have enough time in my day leftover to go down the street and get my nails done.
  9. Cut the S’mores Krispies that I made for a second time in less than one week, and hopefully not ruin my newly painted nails in the process.
  10. Get all gussied up, venture next door, and celebrate the marriage of Elizabeth and Christie, two of the greatest neighbors and friends a girl could ask for, and hopefully not drop the wedding cake in the process of delivering it!