4th of July Recipe Roundup

Are you ready for a three-day weekend? I know I am. I’m already making a list of things I need to buy at the market because this is the weekend I get to cook whatever I want, whenever I want. There will be something thrown on the grill at some point of course, but we’re also going to need lots of sides and desserts around here. Need some ideas? I’ve got you covered. In the meantime, don’t forget to subscribe to Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck. I’m hoping to send out my first newsletter this weekend. You don’t want to be left out.

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You’re gonna have to try out this recipe for Southern Honey Drenched Jalapeño Cornbread no matter what else you do this weekend. I’m telling you, it’s life changing. The pool can wait an hour; it’s not going anywhere.

Southern Honey Drenched Jalapeño Cornbread | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

I’ve made many different kinds of potato salad over the past few years, but this one, this one is my absolute fave. Dill Mashed Potato Salad has everything I want in a potato salad.

Dill Mashed Potato Salad | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Looking for something new to grill this weekend? Why not try Lechon Asada Pork BBQ? Oh my folks, this one is just crazy insanely good. You’ll never look at Pork BBQ the same way again.

Lechon Asada Pork BBQ Sauce | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Don’t allow the holiday weekend to pass by without deviled eggs making an appearance on your table. These Salt and Pepper Sweet Pickle Deviled Eggs will keep your table from getting too lonely.

Salt and Pepper Sweet Pickle Deviled Eggs | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Perhaps you need a side dish to take with you this weekend to that cookout or BBQ you’re attending. Wanna bring something that will have everyone talking? Try this Super Duper Cheesy White Macaroni and Cheese. You can never have too much cheese.

Super Duper Cheesy White Macaroni and Cheese | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

There’s bound to be one day this weekend when you just don’t feel like cooking. That day is the perfect time to make Crockpot German Sauerkraut with Brats. I’m super excited to try out my new crockpot this weekend y’all. I’ve named her Miss O’Hara. You’re gonna get to know her very well over the next couple of weeks I’m sure.

Crockpot German Sauerkraut with Brats | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Finally, I’ve saved the best for last; 4th of July Brown Butter Whoop It Up Cookies. After all, it’s a celebration. Let’s Whoop It Up!

4th of July Brown Butter Whoop It Up Cookies | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

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