Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy

I recently received 40 lbs. of granulated sugar from Imperial Sugar in exchange for this #Choctoberfest recipe, however, all thoughts, ideas, recipes, pictures, and general silliness contained here within are solely my own.

Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy - Be the house with the most trick-or-treaters next year...hand out this amazing homemade cracker candy and you'll have the ghost and goblins running to your house next year in anticipation.

Be the house with the most trick-or-treaters next year…hand out this amazing homemade cracker candy and you’ll have the ghost and goblins running to your house next year in anticipation.

Can you believe Halloween is only a little over a week away? I know I certainly can’t. We haven’t even purchased candy yet. The horror. Well, to be honest, that’s not entirely true. We have a wide display of candy to fill the pretty glass Halloween jars in our kitchen, and we have a large cauldron of leftover miniature candy bars from our annual Halloween party hanging out in our guest bedroom, but we have no actual in-your-face Halloween night candy. B.O.B. Bob wouldn’t dream of passing out anything other than full-size candy bars to the little ghouls, goblins, princesses, and I have no idea what you are but I’ll pretend that your costume is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen trick-or-treaters that show up on our doorstep. Yeah, we’re that house…the one that makes you look like a Scrooge in comparison, because you’re handing out burnt peanuts and generic chocolate-covered candy.

If you really want to be the house that gets the most doorbell rings this year, skip the store-bought candy and make a batch of this Halloween-themed cracker candy instead.  I know, I know, you can’t hand it out to the children you don’t know, because their parents will throw it straight into the trash, under the assumption that it’s either filled with razor blades or arsenic, but you can certainly hand it out to the children and parents in your neighborhood that recognize that even though you’re dressed as the Evil Queen from Snow White, you’re certainly not trying to poison them. This is by far my most requested recipe EVER, and is often referred to as “The Crack.” Let’s just say that everyone is addicted to it and that no holiday is complete without it. So this year, why not be the house that gets put on the map for having the greatest candy?

Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy - Be the house with the most trick-or-treaters next year...hand out this amazing homemade cracker candy and you'll have the ghost and goblins running to your house next year in anticipation.


  • 1 Sleeve Saltine Crackers
  • 1 Cup Unsalted Butter
  • 2/3 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1 (12-oz.) Bag Miniature Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels
  • 1/4 Cup Sprinkles
  • Candy Eyeballs

Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy - Be the house with the most trick-or-treaters next year...hand out this amazing homemade cracker candy and you'll have the ghost and goblins running to your house next year in anticipation.


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Wrap a cookie sheet in tin foil. Line the cookie sheet with the saltine crackers, making sure that they touch one another. Don’t worry if part of the sheet is empty.
  2. Place the butter and sugar in a heavy bottom, non-stick coated medium saucepan, over high heat. Stir constantly for five minutes with a silicone spatula.
  3. Turn off the heat, add the vanilla, and stir until incorporated. Carefully pour the mixture over the crackers, and use the spatula to spread the mixture out evenly.
  4. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes, or until medium golden brown.
  5. Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and place it on top of the stove. Use a fork to push all of the crackers back together. Sprinkle the mini chocolate morsels over the crackers and allow to rest for 5 minutes.
  6. Use a cake spatula or silicone spatula to spread the melted chocolate over the crackers. Toss on the sprinkles. Place the eyeballs strategically around the cracker candy, remembering that you will want to have one set of eyes for each piece of cracker candy.
  7. Allow to rest for several hours until the chocolate has hardened, or place the cookie sheet in the fridge or freezer to quicken the process.
  8. Cut the cracker candy into pieces with one set of eyeballs per piece. Store in an airtight container.

Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy - Be the house with the most trick-or-treaters next year...hand out this amazing homemade cracker candy and you'll have the ghost and goblins running to your house next year in anticipation.


  • Using a heavy-bottomed, non-stick-coated medium saucepan is a must. You don’t want the butter and butter mixture to burn, and you definitely don’t want to spend hours cleaning the saucepan used for this recipe. Make sure to place every item you use to cook with from this recipe in hot water as soon as you are done using it. It will make the cleanup process much easier.
  • Spreading the mixture over the crackers with a spatula will help to evenly distribute the butter and sugar. You want every cracker to develop a “toffee” topping; otherwise, someone will just be eating a cracker coated in chocolate.
  • You can find more tips and techniques for making cracker candy right HERE. I’ve broken down the steps even further to ensure absolute cracker candy success.

Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy - Be the house with the most trick-or-treaters next year...hand out this amazing homemade cracker candy and you'll have the ghost and goblins running to your house next year in anticipation.


  • Use premium ingredients in this recipe for the best-tasting cracker candy. Premium crackers, butter, sugar, vanilla, and chocolate all will make a huge difference in this recipe.
  • Drizzle melted red chocolate over the milk chocolate before adding sprinkles. This will make the cracker candy even more bloody spooktacular.
  • Use whatever color of sprinkles you can find in your local craft store or market to make this Halloween treat.
  • Make a batch of cracker candy and then package it into small cellophane gift bags to give as gifts to your favorite little ghosties.
  • CLICK HERE to check out all of our great Choctoberfest recipes.

Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy

Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy


  • 1 Sleeve Saltine Crackers
  • 1 Cup Unsalted Butter
  • 2/3 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1 (12-oz.) Bag Miniature Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels
  • 1/4 Cup Sprinkles
  • Candy Eyeballs


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Wrap a cookie sheet in tin foil. Line the cookie sheet with the saltine crackers, making sure that they touch one another. Don’t worry if part of the sheet is empty.
  2. Place the butter and sugar in a heavy bottom, non-stick coated medium saucepan, over high heat. Stir constantly for five minutes with a silicone spatula.
  3. Turn off the heat, add the vanilla, and stir until incorporated. Carefully pour the mixture over the crackers, and use the spatula to spread the mixture out evenly.
  4. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes, or until medium golden brown.
  5. Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and place it on top of the stove. Use a fork to push all of the crackers back together. Sprinkle the mini chocolate morsels over the crackers and allow to rest for 5 minutes.
  6. Use a cake spatula or silicone spatula to spread the melted chocolate over the crackers. Toss on the sprinkles. Place the eyeballs strategically around the cracker candy, remembering that you will want to have one set of eyes for each piece of cracker candy.
  7. Allow to rest for several hours until the chocolate has hardened, or place the cookie sheet in the fridge or freezer to quicken the process.
  8. Cut the cracker candy into pieces with one set of eyeballs per piece. Store in an airtight container.
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Spooktacular Halloween Cracker Candy - Be the house with the most trick-or-treaters next year...hand out this amazing homemade cracker candy and you'll have the ghost and goblins running to your house next year in anticipation.

Don’t let this recipe slip away. How often do you find a recipe intriguing, yet forget where to find it when you finally get the hankering to make it? Instead of digging through old posts or wandering aimlessly around on the internet, why not Pin this recipe to Pinterest where you can find it when you eventually need it? Simply Pin the image above and you’ll have it when that time comes. You can follow us HERE on Pinterest or simply click HERE to find all of our pin-worthy recipes.

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