Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars

Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars - Cracker candy, made with saltine crackers, is probably one of the most delicious sweet treats imaginable. However, when you generously top it with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat candy bars, it becomes even more amazing.

Cracker candy, made with saltine crackers, is probably one of the most delicious sweet treats imaginable. However, when you generously top it with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat candy bars, it becomes even more amazing.

You would think that for the first recipe of the year, I would choose something healthy to share with y’all. Well, you would be wrong. I figure you’re beating yourself up enough for already breaking your New Year’s resolutions, so why should I make you feel even more guilty with a gluten-free, vegan, no-sugar, low-sodium recipe? Instead, I’m here to remind you that everything in life is perfectly acceptable in moderation. Even cracker candy. Especially cracker candy topped with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat candy bars. As long as you don’t devour the whole batch by yourself, I promise the guilt over eating this sweet treat won’t last until sometime this summer. This is definitely one of those recipes you want to share. And remember, sharing is caring, especially when it comes to cracker candy.

Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars - Cracker candy, made with saltine crackers, is probably one of the most delicious sweet treats imaginable. However, when you generously top it with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat candy bars, it becomes even more amazing.


  • 1 Sleeve Saltine Crackers
  • 1 Cup Unsalted Butter
  • 2/3 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1 (12-oz) Bag Miniature Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • 1/4 Cup Sprinkles
  • 3 (1.5-oz.) Kit Kat Candy Bars, Roughly Chopped

Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars - Cracker candy, made with saltine crackers, is probably one of the most delicious sweet treats imaginable. However, when you generously top it with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat candy bars, it becomes even more amazing.


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with saltine crackers, making sure that they touch one another. Don’t worry if part of the sheet is empty. Set to the side.
  2. Place the butter and sugar in a heavy bottom, non-stick coated medium saucepan, over high heat. Stir constantly for five minutes with a silicone spatula.
  3. Turn off the heat, add the vanilla, and stir until incorporated. Carefully pour the mixture over the cookie sheet of crackers, and use the spatula to spread the mixture out evenly.
  4. Bake for 5 to 8 minutes, or until the crackers turn golden brown.
  5. Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and place it on top of the stove. Use a fork to push all of the crackers back together if they have spread apart. Sprinkle the miniature chocolate chips over the crackers, wait 5 minutes, and then use a cake spatula or silicone spatula to spread the melted chocolate over the crackers. Immediately garnish with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat bars.
  6. Allow the cracker candy to rest for several hours until the chocolate has hardened, or place the cookie sheet in a fridge or freezer to quicken the cooling process.
  7. Break the “crack” into small to medium size irregular pieces and store in an airtight container.

Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars - Cracker candy, made with saltine crackers, is probably one of the most delicious sweet treats imaginable. However, when you generously top it with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat candy bars, it becomes even more amazing.


  • Using a heavy bottom non-stick coated medium saucepan is a must. You don’t want the butter and sugar mixture to burn, and you definitely don’t want to spend hours cleaning the saucepan used for this recipe. Make sure to place every item used to cook with from this recipe in hot water as soon as you are done using it. It will make the cleanup process much easier.
  • Spreading the mixture over the crackers with a spatula will help to evenly distribute the butter and sugar. You want every cracker to develop a “toffee” topping; otherwise, someone will just be eating a cracker coated in chocolate.
  • You can find more tips and techniques for making cracker candy right HERE. I’ve broken down the steps even further to ensure absolute cracker candy success.

Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars - Cracker candy, made with saltine crackers, is probably one of the most delicious sweet treats imaginable. However, when you generously top it with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat candy bars, it becomes even more amazing.


  • Use any variation of Kit Kat candy bars for this recipe. I used dark chocolate ones, however, traditional milk chocolate or white chocolate ones would be delicious in this recipe too.
  • Try using different types of candy to garnish the cracker candy. I especially suggest roughly chopped Butterfinger or Heath candy bars.
  • Use different colors of sprinkles to represent various holidays throughout the year.

Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars

Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars


  • 1 Sleeve Saltine Crackers
  • 1 Cup Unsalted Butter
  • 2/3 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1 (12-oz) Bag Miniature Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • 1/4 Cup Sprinkles
  • 3 (1.5-oz.) Kit Kat Candy Bars, Roughly Chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with saltine crackers, making sure that they touch one another. Don’t worry if part of the sheet is empty. Set to the side.
  2. Place the butter and sugar in a heavy bottom, non-stick coated medium saucepan, over high heat. Stir constantly for five minutes with a silicone spatula.
  3. Turn off the heat, add the vanilla, and stir until incorporated. Carefully pour the mixture over the cookie sheet of crackers, and use the spatula to spread the mixture out evenly.
  4. Bake for 5 to 8 minutes, or until the crackers turn golden brown.
  5. Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and place it on top of the stove. Use a fork to push all of the crackers back together if they have spread apart. Sprinkle the miniature chocolate chips over the crackers, wait 5 minutes, and then use a cake spatula or silicone spatula to spread the melted chocolate over the crackers. Immediately garnish with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat bars.
  6. Allow the cracker candy to rest for several hours until the chocolate has hardened, or place the cookie sheet in a fridge or freezer to quicken the cooling process.
  7. Break the “crack” into small to medium size irregular pieces and store in an airtight container.
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Saltine Cracker Candy Topped with Kit Kat Bars - Cracker candy, made with saltine crackers, is probably one of the most delicious sweet treats imaginable. However, when you generously top it with sprinkles and roughly chopped Kit Kat candy bars, it becomes even more amazing.

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