Mustard Lover’s Favorite Deviled Eggs

Mustard Lover's Favorite Deviled Eggs - If you're a true mustard lover at heart, then you're absolutely going to love these deviled eggs. They're made using both dijon mustard and whole grain mustard, for a serious punch of mustard flavor. They'll pretty much win any mustard lover's heart over in a single delicious heartbeat.

I’m always making deviled eggs, as you can easily see by checking out the long list of deviled egg recipes on my Deviled Eggs page. So, nine times out of ten, if I’m headed to any sort of cookout or party, my darling B.O.B. Bob is being yelled at by me to be gentle with my precious lil’ deviled eggs while carrying them to the truck. No, they are not allowed to go into the cooler, unless they can sit absolutely level. And no, the roller function on the cooler cannot be used or else the eggs will slide around when tipped. Basically, B.O.B. Bob better protect my darling lil’ deviled eggs with his life, because if he messes them up, he will never hear the end of it.

Yes, I’m that crazy-protective over my deviled eggs. Until they’re all gobbled up and gone, they’re my cherished little babies. And like most parents, I always want my precious lil’ ones to look their absolute best. Although, unlike most parents, I want everyone to enjoy eating my little babies. I know, kinda creepy and disgusting. Perhaps we need to move on? So, how about we move on to how amazing these precious lil’ babies taste? They’re pretty much any mustard lover’s dream bite; just a little bit salty with a nice texture from the whole grain mustard, and packed with mustardy flavor. Y’all, if B.O.B. drops these lil’ guys, the war is on.

Mustard Lover's Favorite Deviled Eggs - If you're a true mustard lover at heart, then you're absolutely going to love these deviled eggs. They're made using both dijon mustard and whole grain mustard, for a serious punch of mustard flavor. They'll pretty much win any mustard lover's heart over in a single delicious heartbeat.


  • 6 Extra-Large Hard-Boiled Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup + 1 Tablespoon Mayonnaise
  • 1 Tablespoon Whole Grain Mustard
  • 1 Teaspoon Dijon Mustard
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Freshly Ground Black Pepper (Additional for Garnish)
  • Finely Chopped Chives

Mustard Lover's Favorite Deviled Eggs - If you're a true mustard lover at heart, then you're absolutely going to love these deviled eggs. They're made using both dijon mustard and whole grain mustard, for a serious punch of mustard flavor. They'll pretty much win any mustard lover's heart over in a single delicious heartbeat.


  1. Slice each hard-boiled egg lengthwise and place the yolks into a food processor.
  2. Add the mayonnaise, both mustards, and the black pepper to the food processor. Process until smooth.
  3. Fill the well of each egg with filling and then garnish with additional black pepper and chives.

Mustard Lover's Favorite Deviled Eggs - If you're a true mustard lover at heart, then you're absolutely going to love these deviled eggs. They're made using both dijon mustard and whole grain mustard, for a serious punch of mustard flavor. They'll pretty much win any mustard lover's heart over in a single delicious heartbeat.


  • I love using Maille Old Style Mustard in this recipe because it is a brand of whole-grain mustard that not only has a fantastic flavor but also has a great texture. You should be able to find it in almost every market.
  • To fill the eggs, try using a resealable plastic bag with the end snipped off. If you choose, you can also use a spoon to fill the eggs as well.
  • If you don’t use extra-large eggs in this recipe, you will need to adjust the amount of mustard and mayonnaise used.
  • For tips and tricks on making the perfect hard-boiled egg, check out our post on How To Hard-Boil Eggs.

Mustard Lover's Favorite Deviled Eggs - If you're a true mustard lover at heart, then you're absolutely going to love these deviled eggs. They're made using both dijon mustard and whole grain mustard, for a serious punch of mustard flavor. They'll pretty much win any mustard lover's heart over in a single delicious heartbeat.


  • You can replace the chives in this recipe with freshly chopped parsley if you don’t have chives on hand.
  • Add a very finely chopped stalk of celery to the egg filling before filling the eggs.
  • CLICK HERE to check out all of our other great deviled egg recipes.

Mustard Lover’s Favorite Deviled Eggs

Mustard Lover’s Favorite Deviled Eggs


  • 6 Extra-Large Hard-Boiled Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup + 1 Tablespoon Mayonnaise
  • 1 Tablespoon Whole Grain Mustard
  • 1 Teaspoon Dijon Mustard
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Freshly Ground Black Pepper (Additional for Garnish)
  • Finely Chopped Chives


  1. Slice each hard-boiled egg lengthwise and place the yolks into a food processor.
  2. Add the mayonnaise, both mustards, and the black pepper to the food processor. Process until smooth.
  3. Fill the well of each egg with filling and then garnish with additional black pepper and chives.
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Mustard Lover's Favorite Deviled Eggs - If you're a true mustard lover at heart, then you're absolutely going to love these deviled eggs. They're made using both dijon mustard and whole grain mustard, for a serious punch of mustard flavor. They'll pretty much win any mustard lover's heart over in a single delicious heartbeat.

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