So here’s the thing. My birthday is coming up fast, and this year it’s a big one. As in so big I shouldn’t even admit to which one it is. So I won’t. What I will admit to is that I am tired of eating cake for my birthday. I don’t like it, and everyone should know this by now. Do not force me to eat cake. I want creme brûlée. There you have it, I just put it out there in the universe. Slap a candle in that shit and put it in front of me, because that’s all I’m asking for this year. Just in case you didn’t understand, let me write it loud and clear. NO CAKE! CREME BRÛLÉE! CREME BRÛLÉE! CREME BRÛLÉE…with a candle!
I’m not even sure if this Passion Fruit Creme Brûlée from Love and Olive Oil can come close to matching the heavenliness of my first creme brûlée face shoveling experience, but I’m sure as hell ready to give it a try.
Creme Brûlée Bites from Bakers Royale would disappear in the blink of an eye. One itty-bitty spoonful of that lusciousness would not be nearly enough.
I’m ready to revisit our summer vacation, and what better way to relive those memories than with this Maple Syrup Creme Brûlée from Food Network?
Dark Chocolate Creme Brûlée from Not So Humble Pie combines my two favorites things for double the pleasure.
It would be super amazing if I could wake up to Chris’ Mommy’s Creme Brûlée French Toast on my birthday, but I just don’t see Brenna getting her butt up in time to make it happen.
Food52’s Salted Pumpkin Creme Brûlée could win my heart over without even trying. Sorry B.O.B. Bob, you’ve been replaced.
White Chocolate-Cranberry Creme Brûlée featured on MyRecipes. There are no words.
Did someone say birthday breakfast? No. Damn. ‘Cause I really had my heart set on these Creme Brûlée Donuts.
This Meyer Lemon Creme Brûlée from She Wears Many Hats has me drooling. Big, huge, dribbly, drably pools of drool are everywhere. Everywhere.
Two years ago I ordered Creme Brûlée in a Pineapple, while vacationing in Hawaii with B.O.B. Bob. If you ever get the chance make sure you order it. Don’t think twice, don’t hesitate, and don’t share.
Cinnamon goes with everything. I need to try this Cinnamon Creme Brûlée from About Food, because my life will not be complete until the day I do. Sorry again B.O.B. Bob. You just can’t win today.
My birthday always gets trampled over by Christmas, so I just need to face reality; Christmas trumps birthday every time. It will be a whole lot easier to face this fact with a big ol’ mug filled with Eggnog Creme Brûlée from Citrus Candy.
Just to show that I haven’t turned into a huge “Birthday Monster,” I’m going to let you in on a secret. I’ll even settle for this basic Creme Brûlée from Cooking Classy this year. I can deal with simple, basic, yummy, creamy, and thick creme brûlée, as long as it’s not cake this girl can have a Happy ?th Birthday on December 14th!