The Thursday Thirteen – 02/04/2016

Welcome to the Valentine’s Day gift edition of The Thursday Thirteen. Otherwise known as what Colleen really wants for Valentine’s Day from B.O.B. Bob. I DO NOT WANT CHEAP CHOCOLATE. Cheap chocolate is anything that comes from a grocery store, Target, or drugstore. Every year people give me boxes of the generic stuff, and my skin literally crawls away from itself in disgust. I appreciate the sentiment, but please DON’T! I’m good with a simple “Happy Valentine’s Day!” Of course I’m always open to special gifts, like the ones I’ve shown below, but they aren’t a must. B.O.B. Bob, this does not apply to you however. I at least want a homemade card or a small little something that shows just how much you care for me on this “Made-up Day of Love That Only Benefits Hallmark, Candy Producers, Floral Shops, and Very Expensive Restaurants.” Suck it up love! It’s one day out of the year!


Wild Hearts Gift Set from Savannah Bee Company

You know how much I love honey, but do you also remember that I fell in major lust with Chocolat by Adam Turoni during our recent trip to Savannah?

Wild Hearts Gift Set | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Eppicotispai Gnocchi Board from Sur La Table

I want to make gnocchi. Grand dreams…or perhaps schemes…or perhaps possibilities. Anyway, I can’t do it without the gadget. I NEED THE GADGET.

Eppicotispai Gnocchi Board | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Coral Chevron Infinity Scarf from Dailyaccessoriez Featured on Etsy

I can always use another scarf. I could also use some more hooks on the back of the office closet door to keep my scarfs on. Could this happen? Please?

Coral Chevron Infinity Scarf | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Grand Valentine Chocolate Heart from Lake Champlain Chocolates

As earlier mentioned, I do not like cheap chocolate. I am picky and high maintenance. If you can’t buy me the chocolate I love, then please don’t buy me any candy at all. I’m good with that too. Not really, but I can pretend.

Grand Valentine Chocolate Heart | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Emile Henry Pie Dish from Sur La Table

I’ve had my eye on the pie, or in this case the pie dish, for quite some time now. Yes, I do want it in red too. How convenient considering it being Valentine’s Day and all.

Emile Henry Pie Dish | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Love Yourself Collection from Pacifica

You’ve seen my collection of Pacifica products, but these are all somewhat new and I’m just dying to try them out. I pretty much love anything they make and have no fear of an adverse skin reaction to any of their products.

Love Yourself Collection | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Shamrock Cookie Stamp from King Arthur Flour

I know, I know, wrong holiday and all, but look at it. LOOK AT IT. It’s perfect. It also means that I would have to make cookies to use it. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Shamrock Cookie Stamp | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


The Love Box from Macaron Cafe

Think lots of Dark Chocolate, a few Creme Brûlée, Caramel, and Passion Fruit…but mostly Dark Chocolate. Definitely “Make Your Own Fresh Mix.”

The Love Box | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Owl Fingerless Mitts & Women’s Owl Beanie from NobleCharacterCrafts on Etsy

So what if winter will be over in a few months? These will last for years and be well loved. Aren’t they just the cutest?

Owl Fingerless Mitts | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Women's Owl Beanie | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Pig Silhouette Hooked Wool Rug from Garnet Hill

Pig. Rug. Guest room. Enough said? Maybe not. Love. Love. Love. Oink. Oink. Please? Do you understand how much I want this rug? I’m on my knees begging.

Pig Silhouette Hooked Wool Rug | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Chocolate Butter Cookie Set from King Arthur Flour

So this one is a little out there, but it’s on clearance. CLEARANCE. What a bargain. I could have some fun with this one. Once again, if you buy this for me, I would have to make cookies with it. Cookies and chocolate. Yum.

Chocolate Butter Cookie Set | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Catnip Chocolate Dipped Strawberries from Misohandmade on Etsy

I had to include something for Brenna. There is nothing she likes more than catnip strawberries. NOTHING. Except possibly keeping us up all night with her howling.

Catnip Chocolate Dipped Strawberries | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


Mexican Hot Chocolate Molinillo Set from HERNÁN

Hot chocolate. You know how much I adore it, and any gadget or vessel that helps to make it even better. So, I think I really have to have this molinillo to make my collection complete. It really is the gift for the girl who has everything. Everything except for a wooden wand that magically makes hot chocolate frothy.

Mexican Hot Chocolate Molinillo Set | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice


A Valentine’s Day Card from You, My Darling B.O.B. Bob

Did you notice how I snuck an extra number in there? Well after all, Valentine’s Day is February 14th, so why not go all out with 14 gift ideas? I’m really not that hard to shop for. All I need is a kiss, a smile, a hug, or a kind word from you and my day is made. I love you even more when you are holding flowers though.

2014 Valentine to Bob | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

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