Tequila Lime Cranberry Sauce

Average Thanksgiving cranberry sauce is transformed into something truly special with the addition of tequila, lime, and salt.

Cranberry sauce loses the Thanksgiving battle almost every time. What do I mean by this? I mean that almost all of y’all will decide that it is not worth the exaggerated effort it takes to make your own homemade cranberry sauce, and instead, end up either shaking it or spooning it out of a store-bought can. Now, I know that congealed substance in a can is nostalgic and has the cutest little wiggle jiggle going on, however, it doesn’t even compare to the real thing, especially when there’s tequila and fresh lime involved. So this year, ditch the can and make cranberry sauce a winner again. For your ten minutes of melodramatic stirring and tossing crap in a saucepan effort, I give you permission to take a shot of tequila as your reward.

Average Thanksgiving cranberry sauce is transformed into something truly special with the addition of tequila, lime, and salt.


  • 1 (12-oz.) Bag Fresh Cranberries
  • Zest & Juice of 2 Limes
  • 1/2 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Light Brown Sugar, Packed
  • 1/3 Cup Tequila
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Kosher Salt

Average Thanksgiving cranberry sauce is transformed into something truly special with the addition of tequila, lime, and salt.


  1. Place all of the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed non-stick saucepan over high heat.
  2. Allow the sauce to come to a foaming boil and then reduce the heat to medium-low.
  3. Continue cooking the mixture for 5 minutes or until thickened, stirring constantly.
  4. Place the sauce in a heat-proof container, allow to cool, and then refrigerate until well chilled.

Average Thanksgiving cranberry sauce is transformed into something truly special with the addition of tequila, lime, and salt.


  • Rinse and strain the cranberries before placing them in the saucepan, making sure to pick out any cranberries that are over-ripe.
  • Stir the sauce constantly to prevent sticking or burning.
  • Store the cranberry sauce in a glass container which will not stain.
  • The cranberry sauce will solidify while in the refrigerator; stir the sauce well before serving it to help break it up and make it look more attractive.

Average Thanksgiving cranberry sauce is transformed into something truly special with the addition of tequila, lime, and salt.


  • Use a tiny bit of this cranberry sauce to enhance the flavor of your favorite cocktail.
  • Add one or two finely diced jalapeños to the sauce to spice it up.

Tequila Lime Cranberry Sauce

Tequila Lime Cranberry Sauce


  • Place all of the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed non-stick saucepan over high heat.
  • Allow the sauce to come to a foaming boil and then reduce the heat to medium-low.
  • Continue cooking the mixture for 5 minutes or until thickened, stirring constantly.
  • Place the sauce in a heat-proof container, allow to cool, and then refrigerate until well chilled.


  1. Rinse and strain the cranberries before placing them in the saucepan, making sure to pick out any cranberries that are over-ripe.
  2. Stir the sauce constantly to prevent sticking or burning.
  3. The cranberry sauce will solidify while in the refrigerator; stir the sauce well before serving to help break it up and make it look more attractive.
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Average Thanksgiving cranberry sauce is transformed into something truly special with the addition of tequila, lime, and salt.

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