Virginia Bloggers Instagram Takeover

Holy schnitzel is this going to be a mind-blowing week; I hope you can handle all of the excitement, because I have so much to share with you.

VA Bloggers Instagram Take Over | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

The fun began on Sunday evening, when Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck was lucky enough to takeover Virginia Bloggers‘ Instagram account. You can follow along all week @vais4bloggers. I’ll be posting some fun pics of food, Virginia fun, and perhaps a few snaps of Brenna thrown in. Well, maybe more than a few, she’s just so cute and expressive. Why not share her with the rest of Virginia? You can also follow along @faith_hope_love_and_luck to view my everyday snaps of food, Delawder Matthews’ life, and Lady Brenna of Fairfax at Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck’s Instagram site. Fair warning, this week some pics I’ll be sharing exclusively @vais4bloggers, so make sure to sign up.

Corned Beef Hash Rustic Pie | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Monday was National Pi Day; did you celebrate? B.O.B. Bob and I enjoyed the Corned Beef Hash Rustic Pie I made on Sunday afternoon, and loved each heavenly single little second of it. Why is National Pi Day only recognized on one day out of the year? Someone needs to remedy that shit and soon. I think every week needs to include a Pie Day. Think about it. Maybe we can make it happen.

Bourbon Candied Bacon Deviled Eggs | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Tomorrow I have more big news, which I’ve just been itching to share. It’s half news I’ve shared with you already, and half brand new spanking news, which caught me totally by surprise. Hint: It has to do with the Taste of Home April/May 2006 post I wrote about a few weeks ago.

Golden Tropical Coconut Bundt Cake | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Can you believe it’s been a month already? Thursday is Bundt Bakers‘day. Tropical Vacation is this month’s theme, and I couldn’t be happier with my coconut smothered cake’s outcome. Well, there was one little problem that involved my entire house being filled with smoke, but smoke is better than fire, right? By the way, this cake is so daggone gorgeous and scrummy, and yes, that’s coming from the girl who hates cake. This weekend I ate the cake, and I’m glad I did.

Lemony Mayonnaise Cod, Shrimp, and Asparagus Parchment Paper Wrapped Bundles | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

On Friday I’ll be linking up with Fish Friday Foodies again for Fish en Papillote. For those of you out there scratching your head, that’s Fish in Parchment Paper. I promise you’re gonna drool over this one. I’m not sure how something so darned simple can taste so freaking good. There’s cod, there’s shrimp, and then there’s asparagus; need I say more? Oh right, I forgot to mention that they’re all smothered in seasoned mayonnaise. Drool.

Overnight Crockpot Cinnamon Strawberry Oatmeal | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

Saturday I’ll be ending my week of Instagram takeover @vais4bloggers, taking a course in gourmet egg roll making with my mom in Maryland, and spending some time coming up with more ideas for Crockpot Monday. I know you’re just gonna love next Monday’s Overnight Crockpot Cinnamon Strawberry Oatmeal. If I can get B.O.B. Bob to eat oatmeal that’s a big thing, and he ate every little spoonful of warm belly comforting joy this weekend. Make sure you follow along this week; no blinking allowed, no afternoon napping, no time-outs for bad behavior. Let’s get this party started.

We're sharing our favorite "7 No-Yeast Bread Recipes for St. Patrick's Day" just in time for March 17th!

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