Welcome to Friday! Friday! Friday! Favorites! Each Friday we’ll be sharing our favorite recipes of the week from other fabulous food bloggers, so make sure to visit and see what tasty over-the-top dishes we’re most excited about.
This Week’s Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck Featured Recipes:
Corned Beef Pizza Swirls – February Blog Post Re-Do
This Week’s Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck Recipe Revisit:
Irish Cheddar & Dried Cherry Soda Bread
This Week’s Friday! Friday! Friday! Favorites! Featured Recipes:
Whole Wheat Irish Soda Bread from Simple and Savory
You can tell from the recipes above, that I’m totally into everything St. Patrick’s Day right now. And this “healthier” soda bread recipe has me almost doing a jig.
Cilantro Hummus Recipe from I Heart Vegetables
A little bit of green never hurts. Well, at least it doesn’t if you’re a cilantro lover. Thankfully, I am. Sorry bestie Linda, you’re shit out of luck with your cilantro-hating self.
Instant Pot Colcannon from Create Kids Club
Perhaps I’ll have to brave breaking out my instant pot for this recipe. Perhaps. It could end up with me cussing up a storm, however, this recipe might just be worth all of the cussing.
Beet Reuben Sandwich from The Mountain Kitchen
So many ideas spinning through my head right now with this recipe. This is a recipe I totally love, however, I have a unique spin that I think will make it even more amazing over-the-top.
Baileys Irish Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies from Baker by Nature
While doing our ABC store prepping for the end of the universe (coronavirus) this week, I picked up a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream. These cookies need to happen.