Make Sure to Subscribe to the Fun!

Happy Wednesday y’all! How’s your week going so far? Mine had already been so full of “fun!” Many of you mentioned on Monday that my subscribe form was not working for you. No huge shocker there. A Computer + Me = Complete Disaster! Thankfully, I do believe the issue has been resolved. When you subscribe you will be sent an email in which you must confirm your subscription; it’s very important that you don’t forget this step. Once you have confirmed, you will be taken to a page with some of our favorite recipes, and then you will receive an email with a link to an exclusive recipe for Pickled Jalapeño Guacamole. This recipe is just a little thank you for signing up to the fun.

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If you had previously subscribed to Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck, you should have received a welcome email this morning in your inbox. This means that you are one of those people that showed up early to the party. Lucky you, because this means you get the exclusive recipe for Pickled Jalapeno Guacamole as well. Enjoy, and thanks for supporting us before it was the in thing to do. That’s why Brenna and I love you so much.

We're sharing our favorite "7 No-Yeast Bread Recipes for St. Patrick's Day" just in time for March 17th!

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