Best Main Dish of the Year 2016 – Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks with Redneck Pineapple Chutney

Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks with Redneck Pineapple Chutney - This recipe is a little bit gourmet and a little bit redneck. I'm not sure which one wins in the end, but it's safe to say that you're not gonna care. This grilled prosciutto-wrapped fish on a stick is super-tender and full of flavor thanks to the easy-to-make homemade chutney sauce it's brushed with. A few tablespoons of pineapple jam, jelly, or preserves, mixed with a bit of barbecue sauce, olive oil, and ground chipotle is all that is needed to create a simple, flavorful, and insanely tasty grilled fish meal that feels almost gourmet.

Looking back at the main dishes I’ve written about this year has led me to the conclusion that I don’t actually make that many main dishes or entrees. I’m pretty sure it has a lot to do with photographing the actual end product. I tend to make more dinner dishes in the summertime when the light is better and stays around later into the evening. We rarely eat before eight o’clock at night, so photographing dinner during the winter months is pretty much out of the question. Thank goodness for Fish Friday Foodies twisting my arm every month to get my butt up and plan dinner ahead of time before the light has left the sky. The original recipe post can be found HERE.

Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks with Redneck Pineapple Chutney - This recipe is a little bit gourmet and a little bit redneck. I'm not sure which one wins in the end, but it's safe to say that you're not gonna care. This grilled prosciutto-wrapped fish on a stick is super-tender and full of flavor thanks to the easy-to-make homemade chutney sauce it's brushed with. A few tablespoons of pineapple jam, jelly, or preserves, mixed with a bit of barbecue sauce, olive oil, and ground chipotle is all that is needed to create a simple, flavorful, and insanely tasty grilled fish meal that feels almost gourmet.


Redneck Pineapple Chutney:

  • 2 Tablespoons Pineapple Jam, Jelly, or Preserves
  • 1 Tablespoon Barbecue Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Ground Chipotle

Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks:

  • 3/4 to 1 Pound Tilapia Fillets (2 Fillets)
  • 1/2 Pound Prosciutto, Thinly Sliced
  • Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks with Redneck Pineapple Chutney - This recipe is a little bit gourmet and a little bit redneck. I'm not sure which one wins in the end, but it's safe to say that you're not gonna care. This grilled prosciutto-wrapped fish on a stick is super-tender and full of flavor thanks to the easy-to-make homemade chutney sauce it's brushed with. A few tablespoons of pineapple jam, jelly, or preserves, mixed with a bit of barbecue sauce, olive oil, and ground chipotle is all that is needed to create a simple, flavorful, and insanely tasty grilled fish meal that feels almost gourmet.


Redneck Pineapple Chutney:

  1. Mix all of the ingredients in a small bowl; set aside.

Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks:

  1. Preheat grill to approximately 400 degrees.
  2. Cut each tilapia fillet in half lengthwise.
  3. Wrap each tilapia half in prosciutto and then thread it onto a metal skewer.
  4. Drizzle both sides of each prosciutto-wrapped fillet with olive oil and then use a pastry brush or rosemary sprig to distribute the oil evenly.
  5. Place the skewered fish sticks onto a hot grill, and then brush them with half of the chutney.
  6. Grill covered for 4 to 5 minutes, flip, and then brush with the remaining chutney.
  7. Grill covered for 4 to 5 minutes, or just until the fish is cooked all the way through.
  8. Remove the wrapped fish from the skewers and serve immediately.

Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks with Redneck Pineapple Chutney - This recipe is a little bit gourmet and a little bit redneck. I'm not sure which one wins in the end, but it's safe to say that you're not gonna care. This grilled prosciutto-wrapped fish on a stick is super-tender and full of flavor thanks to the easy-to-make homemade chutney sauce it's brushed with. A few tablespoons of pineapple jam, jelly, or preserves, mixed with a bit of barbecue sauce, olive oil, and ground chipotle is all that is needed to create a simple, flavorful, and insanely tasty grilled fish meal that feels almost gourmet.


  • Metal skewers are great to grill with. They don’t stick to grilled meat or seafood as much as the wooden variety.
  • Make sure to wrap your fish fillets well. If there is even a tiny bit of fish exposed, it will stick to the grill.
  • Each tilapia fillet will have a thick and a thin side. Each side will take a different time to cook. I found that 4 minutes per side was adequate for the thin side, and 5 to 6 minutes was perfect for the thick side.
  • Cooking times may vary depending on the heat of your grill.

Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks with Redneck Pineapple Chutney - This recipe is a little bit gourmet and a little bit redneck. I'm not sure which one wins in the end, but it's safe to say that you're not gonna care. This grilled prosciutto-wrapped fish on a stick is super-tender and full of flavor thanks to the easy-to-make homemade chutney sauce it's brushed with. A few tablespoons of pineapple jam, jelly, or preserves, mixed with a bit of barbecue sauce, olive oil, and ground chipotle is all that is needed to create a simple, flavorful, and insanely tasty grilled fish meal that feels almost gourmet.


Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks with Redneck Pineapple Chutney

Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks with Redneck Pineapple Chutney


    Redneck Pineapple Chutney:
  • 2 Tablespoons Pineapple Jam, Jelly, or Preserves
  • 1 Tablespoon Barbecue Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Ground Chipotle
  • Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks:
  • 3/4 to 1 Pound Tilapia Fillets (2 Fillets)
  • 1/2 Pound Prosciutto, Thinly Sliced
  • Extra-Virgin Olive Oil


    Redneck Pineapple Chutney:
  1. Mix all of the ingredients in a small bowl; set aside.
  2. Gourmet Prosciutto Wrapped Fish Sticks:
  3. Preheat grill to approximately 400 degrees.
  4. Cut each tilapia fillet in half lengthwise.
  5. Wrap each tilapia half in prosciutto and then thread it onto a metal skewer.
  6. Drizzle both sides of each prosciutto-wrapped fillet with olive oil and then use a pastry brush or rosemary sprig to distribute the oil evenly.
  7. Place the skewered fish sticks onto a hot grill, and then brush them with half of the chutney.
  8. Grill covered for 4 to 5 minutes, flip, and then brush with the remaining chutney.
  9. Grill covered for 4 to 5 minutes, or just until the fish is cooked all the way through.
  10. Remove the wrapped fish from the skewers and serve immediately.
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Please make sure to check out the other great “Countdown to 2017” recipes below. A huge thanks to Fantastical Sharing of Recipes for hosting this event.

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