Zachary’s Heroes

Today’s post is from Diana McLaughlin Forbes, a new friend who is quickly becoming a favorite person in my life. Each day I look forward to her encouraging words posted on her “Fearlessly 40” Facebook page, where she offers free inspiration, motivation, and empowerment to become your BEST self. Recently she requested help with a pay-it-forward project, which will be taking place on March 4th, in memory of her nephew Zachary. Please take a moment to help Diana and her family keep his memory alive.
-Colleen Delawder

Zachary's Heroes | Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice

This is Zachary. I would’ve been his aunt, had he not left this world way too soon at just 14 months of age. His courageous and law-changing mom became my sister-in-law a few years after a senseless tragedy. Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck has so kindly offered me a voice here to help make what would have been his 10th birthday on March 4th one we’ll never forget, and so I ask you: Could you please help us create more good in his memory? We have a project set up on his memorial website called “Zachary’s Heroes,” where we’re asking people to do a good deed, then leave a card (printable from the web page) explaining the project and how to pay it forward in his name. To spread the word, we set up a Thunderclap campaign. If you click this link and agree to support us via Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook, then on Zachary’s birthday over 100 of us will share the Zachary’s Heroes project with TENS of THOUSANDS of people in our social reach. That’s potential to do a LOT of good! This project has special meaning to me this year because my daughter is just one month younger than the age at which Zachary passed away. I cannot (and don’t EVER want to) imagine my life without her. There’s nothing you can do for a mother (or father) who’s lost a child to erase the daily echoes of pain and anguish they endure, but for my sister-in-law, Chrissy, knowing that some good has come out of her heart-wrenching loss helps to temper that grief. Seeing such massive support will help her smile through her tears this Tuesday — and far into the future — because the Zachary’s Heroes project has the potential to go on forever, keeping Zach’s memory alive. I hope you can see what your support would mean to us. Please click the Thunderclap link to contribute to our vision of promoting kindness and generosity in Zachary’s name!
-Diana McLaughlin Forbes

We're sharing our favorite "7 No-Yeast Bread Recipes for St. Patrick's Day" just in time for March 17th!

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