Announcement – Instant Pot Winner

Happy Tuesday ya’ll. Am I the only wishing that it was Friday already and that we could just get this upcoming holiday weekend started? Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to trudge along as best we can and hope and pray that this week goes by as quickly as possible. In the meantime, I just wanted to thank all of you who entered the 4-Year Blogiversary Instant Pot Giveaway last week and give an even bigger shout of thanks to all of y’all who signed up to Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck’s Pinterest and Instagram accounts for extra chances at winning.

So, are you ready to find out who the winner is? Me too. Here goes. Drum roll please. The winner is Debbie R. Congratulations Debbie and I hope you enjoy using your new Instant Pot. From all of the responses that I have received over the past week, I can certainly say without a doubt, that many people are seriously jealous of you. For those of you who didn’t win, you can always order your own Instant Pot DUO60 through Amazon HERE. I myself, plan on giving a few as gifts this Christmas.

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Once again, thank you for participating in this giveaway, as well as for following along on social media. If you haven’t started following us yet, make sure to find Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck on all the various social media channels above. If you click on the icons above, each one will take you straight to each of our social media sites. Just a heads up, we try our best to put varying posts on each social media site so that things are always a little different. We realize that certain followers prefer some social media channels over others, however, following each of them allows you to get to know us even better. Also, if you haven’t done so already, please don’t forget to subscribe below to Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck to receive exclusive recipes, newsletters, and special updates.

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