What have you done this weekend? Me, I’ve spent one of my last “freebie” weekends doing things that needed to be done. They weren’t fun, they weren’t earth shattering, they were just things that have been piling up on my ever-growing to do list. Luckily my Big “Bubba” Matt stopped by yesterday to lend a hand. He brought his food dehydrator so that I could finally get around to drying the pineapple sage that I have fallen in love with. By the time I’m done drying all of it, I’m hoping to have several bottles filled with my new favorite herb, one large one for me, and several small ones to share. Anyone interested? Don’t let the label of sage fool you, it’s a very subtle herb more along the lines of basil or parsley, and it goes with just about anything you can imagine.
My brother also harvested all of my carrots for me, saving me a huge amount of time, and ripping his pants on a staple hanging out of our garden boxes in the process. Sorry about that Matt, but those shorts made your ass look big anyways, and I’m sure the next ones will be more slimming. This morning I scrubbed the little orange nubbins down, blanched them in boiling water, and packaged them up for the freezer. The next time pot roast is on the menu, those little suckers will be ready to go.
This was also the weekend where everyone got a bee in his or her bonnet to bring me produce. I came home Friday evening to find two eggplants and a container of okra sitting on my porch. My neighbor Ella decided to share some of her bounty with us, which made for a wonderful lunchtime snack on Saturday afternoon. She also brought over an odd-looking mystery vegetable on Saturday, which I’ll share later with you this week. My brother Matt gifted us with several bags of frozen green beans, even though I pronounced my loathing for the frozen version of that particular vegetable. B.O.B. Bob absolutely adores them however, so I hope he enjoys having them shoved down his throat in mass quantities. I like my green beans southern style; cooked to within an inch of their life, with ham and onions thrown in for added flavor. Crunchy green beans do nothing for me, unless they are battered, deep-fried, and covered in a sweet spicy chili sauce. I can eat just about anything if it’s fried.
Matt also brought peaches, apples, and pears with him, as well as some locally made sorghum syrup. While I am always happy to have a little bit of fresh fruit, I chose to decline the offer of the sorghum syrup. Quite frankly I just don’t get it. It’s a milder, runnier version of molasses, and the taste just didn’t do anything for me. Matt likes to dip cut apple slices in it, but even that didn’t taste all that wonderful to me. I’d much rather munch on the deer bologna that he brought with him.
So where was B.O.B. Bob during all of this. Well, he’s in full-blown outside Halloween madness. He can literally be found tangled up in long strands of purple and orange twinkle lights, or with his hand up some ghosts clothes trying to rearrange their limbs to get their ghostly stances just perfect. That B.O.B. Bob is a weird one, but he’s having fun, and I’m pretty sure he’ll get around to doing even more Halloween staging today, since the weather is so much nicer than yesterday. Stupid rain.
Are you wondering how Brenna is spending her weekend, or do you just assume she’s just lazily wasting her day away? Yesterday she was “happy” to growl at some visitors, because nothing makes her happier than getting an attitude, and showing off her dark side. She ate some more birthday chicken, before I used the leftovers to make a Curried Olive Chicken Spread. A kitty can only eat so much chicken after all. I’m getting pretty used to her running to the fridge every time I open it though; she’s become quite the little beggar.
Finally, there’s just me left, and what I will be able to accomplish today. There is always house cleaning, laundry, and dishes, but today there is also Pumpkin Streusel Breakfast Squares, a trip to Target in hopes of the Halloween merchandise finally being displayed, closet clean-out, and work on blog posts, time permitting. The list goes on and on, but I won’t bore you with that. I’ll just wish you a happy Sunday, and hope that you have the chance to do something fun with it.