Broken Glass and a Cat – Not the Best Combination

Luckily there are no superstitions attached to breaking glass, because we’ve had a lot of that going on in our house lately. Brenna decided to go on a rampage last night, jumping and running through the house, and clumsily plowed into a glass dome-shaped garden bell, sending it crashing into a thousand little pieces of jagged shards. Not the best ending to B.O.B. Bob’s birthday. The glass break alarm started going off, and I couldn’t remember how to turn the darn thing off, because I was too busy trying not to cut myself on the glass that just happened to be right by the alarm control panel, while simultaneously trying to grab Brenna before she could cut her paws. I finally shut the thing off, and made somewhat of an attempt to vacuum up the glass, but it was really too dark to see where all of the glass was. I finally closed the glass doors between the dining and living room, and left the mess to deal with in the morning. Wouldn’t you know that B.O.B. Bob snored through the entire scenario; must be nice to be such a sound sleeper.

Brenna’s not all to blame though. I’ve been a complete klutz over the past few weeks, breaking several drinking glasses, a china bowl, and almost damaging a favorite ceramic bunny. I won’t even mention what happened to one of my treasured pewter measuring spoons from Crosby & Taylor; thank goodness they have a replacement section on their website, because this is the fourth time I’ve managed to severely mangle one. With that in mind, I think I need to start replacing a few things around the house. Oh, and just to prove to you how life is ironic; the garden bell that Brenna broke was meant to be used to keep her out of what was underneath it. I have several of them that I place over irreplaceable holiday figurines, or bowls of candy that I don’t want her eating. Nice to know that she will always manage to outsmart me.

Here are a few things I’m looking at stocking up on, with hopes that they might survive not only my klutziness, but Brenna’s psychotic episodes as well.

English Beer Pint Glasses

English Beer Pint Glasses

Pair of Twig Spoons

Pair of Twig Spoons

Glass Bell Jar Domes (Set of 2)

Glass Bell Jar Domes (Set of 2)

Venetian-Style Glass Tumblers

Venetian-Style Glass Tumblers

Bird Spoons with Pewter Display Strip

Bird Spoons with Pewter Display Strip

Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck


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